The Solidary Research Network was formed to help improve the standard, calibrate the focus and improve the quality of federal, state and municipal government policies that seek to respond the COVID-19 crisis with the aim of helping to save lives. Our aim is to improve the debate and the work of public administrators, authorities, congressional representatives, journalists, the academic community, businesspersons and those who are interested in debating the directives and concrete actions that impact the lives of the population.
We are political scientists, sociologists, physicians, psychologists and anthropologists, students and teachers, deeply concerned with the course of the crisis caused by the coronavirus in the world and in our country.
Our energies and analytical efforts are focused on the careful collection of data, the generation of quality information, the creation of indicators, the development of mathematical and statistical models to monitor, indicate bottlenecks and identify what can be improved in public policies and to the population’s responses to these efforts.
The rigor in the treatment and the precision of data is essential for our work, guided by the transparency and the ethics of our research. This is what leads us to distance ourselves from magical solutions and unfounded opinions. Our commitment is to the objectivity and proof that scientific methods offer us.
Our network is multidisciplinary, multi-institutional and is in contact with centers of excellence abroad, including Oxford University and the Texas A&M University.
We work at the intersection of the humanities with the natural sciences. It is the virtuous fusion of knowledge and techniques that enables us to face a pandemic of gigantic proportions in health, but also in politics, and economics, and the potential to expanding as a social crisis.
Who we are
The Solidary Research Network has researchers from all scientific fields (including the Humanities, and Natural Sciences) in Brazil and overseas. For us, the combination of skills and techniques is vital as we face the current pandemic. The challenge ahead is enormous, but it is particularly invigorating. And it would never have come to fruition if it weren’t for the generous contribution of private institutions and donors who swiftly answered our calls. We are profoundly grateful to all those who support us.
The challenge ahead is enormous, but especially exciting. And it would never be a reality if it were not for the generous contribution of private donors, who responded quickly to our calls. To the institutions that support us, our deepest gratitude.
Our Team
Coordination Committee
Glauco Arbix (USP, Observatório da Inovação-IEA)
Lorena Barberia (USP)
Graziela Castello (CEBRAP)
João Paulo Veiga (USP)
Fabio Senne (
José Eduardo Krieger (InCor-Faculdade de Medicina, USP)
Ian Prates (CEBRAP, Social Accountability International)
Vera Paiva (IF-USP)
Tatiane Moraes (ENSP-Fiocruz, USP)
Ursula Peres (EACH, USP)
Rodrigo Brandão (Doutorando, Sociologia – USP)
Scientific Coordination
Lorena Barberia
Bulletin Editors
João Paulo Veiga
Lorena Barberia
Vera Paiva
Alvaro Comin (USP)
Diogo Ferrari (UC Riverside)
Flavio Cireno Fernandes (Fundação Joaquim Nabuco)
Márcia Lima (USP e AFRO-Núcleo de Pesquisa e Formação em Raça, Gênero e Justiça Racial)
Marta Arretche (USP e Centro de Estudos da Metrópole-CEM)
Renata Bichir (USP e CEM)
Guy D. Whitten (Texas A&M University)
Arachu Castro (Tulane University)
Claudia Ranzini (Fajardo Ranzini Design)
Cristiane Geraldi Queiroz (Observatório da Inovação, IEA-USP)
Jonatas Mendonça dos Santos (Doutorando, Sociologia-USP)
Laura Simões Camargo (Ciências Sociais – USP)
Paulo Scarpa (Ó Editorial traduções acadêmicas e literárias)
Lorrane Vanícia Correia Castilho (Produtora de Conteúdo para Mídias Digitais)
Luiz Lopes (Pantanal Digital)
Rodrigo Brandão (Doutorando, Sociologia – USP)
Withson de Oliveira Sampaio (Ciências Sociais-USP)
Donations and Contact
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